Evan’s Embrace is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that runs solely on your heartfelt donations. All gifts are tax deductible.
Tax Exempt #45-4145472
Credit card donations can be processed here on our website.
Checks, as well as item donations, may be mailed to the address below.
Matching gifts are welcomed - contact your employer's HR department.
Thank you for your kindness!
Evan's Embrace | PO Box 12371 | Mill Creek, WA. 98082
Additional Donation Opportunities
Designate EVAN'S EMBRACE as your charity with Amazon at, and we will receive .5% of your eligible AmazonSmile purchase. What a great way to benefit us, while spending no additional money!
Also, designate EVAN'S EMBRACE as your charity with the Kroger & Fred Meyer family of grocery stores, and a portion of your purchases will be donated to us. Enroll here: and search for Evan's Embrace by our non-profit number 91760.